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React Native Paper v.5 - Update Overview

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Łukasz Walczak

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The 14th episode of The React Native Show revolves around the React Native Paper library and its latest update that supports Material You (previously Material Design) standards. 


You'll hear about:

  • the accessibility in Paper,
  • How can developers save time and spend less effort on building apps thanks to Paper?
  • Why is Paper a perfect helper for building a prototype and MVP apps?

Material Design

In the next part, our experts focus on the Material Design and Material You and how these guidelines tie with Paper library.
You'll hear about:

  • What is Material Design?
  • What is Material You?
  • What was the reason behind renaming Material Design to Material You?

Also, Łukasz Walczak gives some tech details about the new Paper so you'll find out:

  • How did Paper team proceed the update procesS. Was it rewriting the whole library from scratch or just refreshing the existing elements?
  • Is it possible to use Material Design v.2 in Paper v.5?
  • What are design tokens?
  • How can developers move to the new paper version in their apps?

After that, Łukasz Walczak describes in details how Paper team managed to update the library to v.5, including the planning, approach, strategy, and how many people were involved in the update.

Previous versions and a demo app

In the last part of the episode, our experts present a demo app built with the new Paper and compare it to the app built with the previous version of the library pointing out main differences between these two.

So, pick up your favorite platform and check out what's new with the React Native Paper.

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