7 Cups App Upgrade Generates a 130% Increase in the Number of Users

We rewrote the 7 Cups mobile app, taking over the project from another developer team.

7 Cups is an online therapy provider that offers paid sessions and free emotional support to people seeking help.
Health care
Company type
North America
tech INFO
We reviewed and rewrote all critical app components, made necessary adjustments, and added new functionalities.
React Native
iOS | Android
Tech Stack
TypeScript | Expo | React Navigation | React Query

increase in user numbers post-upgrade

Before 14.5s
After 2.5s
lines of code
months of work
code commits
decreased shimmer render time
quicker load times for chats on subsequent visits
faster rendering time for chats
less frame junk when scrolling
The refresh time was 5-11 seconds
The refresh time was reduced to ~2 s

Instant Preview

Developers can instantly preview code changes on real devices without a complex setup.
7 Cups

In the beginning, the workflow itself posed a challenge. We didn’t start the project from scratch, which meant we needed to carefully analyze the existing elements.

The deeper we dug, the more issues we identified:

  • Code base issues: Poor quality with massive copy-paste repetitions and faulty socket implementation.
  • Missing payment methods: No options for in-app purchases or credit card payments for professional therapy.
  • In-app linking problems: Users were redirected to the web platform, leading to app abandonment.


For maximum effect, we adopted an agile collaboration model, working closely with the client to swiftly adapt to changing needs and requirements. We took care of the following:

Identified confirmed/reported issues such as re-renders and created a backlog for potential improvements.
Used Macro tool measurements.
Selected the most promising performance changes.
Implemented changes following React Native best practices.
Re-measured with the Marco tool and compared to the 4.58.0 native version.
 Developed the release process for both Android and iOS.
Proposed an API based on the Rive Android library features.
Implemented Rive SDK integration for Android and created an example app for testing.
Extended the integration to iOS after successful Android testing.
Created a Github Action workflow for automated library releases.
Made the library publicly available on platforms like CocoaPods and Maven.
Managing dependencies, including Expo and react-native packages for each new release.
Automating the release process with custom GitHub Actions.
Providing React Native training through pair programming, code reviews, and workshops.


Comprehensive socket and code base refactoring for stability and scalability.


Added in-app purchase options and credit card payment methods.


Implemented internal links to keep users within the app.


Code Refactoring: A Crucial Step for Accelerated Development

We started with code refactoring, which was necessary to enable new features and designs. Though unplanned and initially time-consuming, this milestone significantly accelerated development in the project's second phase.
Loosely Coupled Mini-Apps
Ensuring independence between mini-apps while maintaining necessary communication was a priority. The team addressed this by:
  • Isolating client states and minimizing shared states.
  • Allowing server state sharing through a centralized query client.
Navigation Complexity
Balancing centralized and decentralized navigation posed challenges. A centralized approach was chosen to simplify integration during initial development, with flexibility for future changes.
Dependency Maintenance
Managing native and JavaScript dependencies required meticulous configuration, streamlined by tools like rnx-align-deps and Re.Pack’s shared fields.
Kicked off the project with refactoring the whole socket.MIGRATION Migrated the codebase to TypeScript.
Migrated the codebase to TypeScript.
Upgraded major dependencies such as Expo, React Navigation, and React Query.
Created two options: In-app purchase with Google Play or App Store and credit card payment.
Sorted out links, integrated content, and implemented html rendering.
We provided full front-end support, project configuration, feature parity, and expert advice on technical and user experience. We also implemented a new design guideline, including dark mode with auto theme detection.
Forked the React Native Paper library.
Established continuous integration for automated code updates.
Set up a Storybook for component testing.
Developed the basis of the design – color, layout, and typography.
Once we had the basics down, we started working on the UI library components. The components we developed included: AppBar, TextField. Button, Icon Button, Toast, which included animation and swipe-to-dismiss, Match Status, Search, and many more!
Apart from all the fixes and improvements, we provided metrics that should be tracked over time so the client knows exactly what to monitor and correct to maintain great performance levels long term.
App start time, before 48.5s
Report screen load time, before 15.9s
Sending a message, before 14.5s
Average FPS on LHN
Search screen load time, before 11.8s
we acted as staff augmentation within Advantys’ team.
in collaborative problem-solving and solution exploration.
by Advantys' CTO, the project utilized GitHub, Notion, and Slack for communication.
from a custom server-side rendering (SSR) solution to Next.js 
on Core Web Vitals metrics
a large shared JS bundle 
Fast Refresh for accelerated development iterations
The introduction of Fast Refresh in Next.js further accelerated development iterations. All in all, it contributed to an enhanced user and developer experience.In a span of several months, our team effectively overhauled the AutoZone app's performance, which initially struggled on both desktop and mobile devices. To find out more about the whole AutoZone project, head over to the case study on main case study title
architecture with professional maintenance and continuous updates
code coverage with quality-compliant unit and integration tests
testing, including end-to-end.
time-to-market with mobile process automation.
New PoC
features like biometrics and mobile health kit integration.
Last but not least, our collaboration significantly enhanced the knowledge of Thriva's development team regarding React and React Native.
Autozone app
  • Students new to programming and React Native
  • Web developers unfamiliar with device APIs and native apps
  • Native developers exploring web app frameworks and React Native's UX potential
  • React Native developers prototyping and sharing ideas
  • Library maintainers creating examples and documentation
  • Users providing reproducible cases for bug reports
  • Speakers and workshop presenters conducting live coding sessions
Callstack person image
“I appreciate their attention to detail, flexible approach and a high degree of expertise. I definitely recommend the Callstack team!”
Glen Moriarty - Founder and CEO

We started with code refactoring, which was necessary to enable new features and designs. Though unplanned and initially time-consuming, this milestone significantly accelerated development in the project's second phase.

  1. CODE REFACTORING Kicked off the project with refactoring the whole socket.
  2. MIGRATION Migrated the codebase to TypeScript.
  3. DEPENDENCIES Upgraded major dependencies such as Expo, React Navigation, and React Query.
  4. PAYMENTS Created two options: In-app purchase with Google Play or App Store and credit card payment.
  5. LINKING Sorted out links, integrated content, and implemented html rendering.

We provided full front-end support, project configuration, feature parity, and expert advice on technical and user experience. We also implemented a new design guideline, including dark mode with auto theme detection.

Your Success Story is Next
callstack illustration

Throughout the project, we collaborated closely with the client, who took care of back-end work, designs, and tests. Our mutual efforts and successful partnership resulted in a fresh look and improved functionality.

Since 7 Cups offers therapy and counseling, ensuring the upgraded version is operational was crucial. It is, and we are happy with the results. Our practical and effective solutions continue to enhance the app during maintenance.

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Callstack Cosmos

“I appreciate their attention to detail, flexible approach and a high degree of expertise. I definitely recommend the Callstack team!”

Glen Moriarty
Founder and CEO of 7 Cups

In brief

We optimized the client’s mobile app performance and introduced a custom tool to measure performance regressions. We set up performance tests and documentation to enable a seamless transition of knowledge with the in-house team of developers.

Client Info
Entain is one of the world’s largest sports betting and gaming entertainment groups.
Commercial gaming
Company type
Australia, Asia & Oceania
Tech Info
Performance optimization project with the best practices, approaches & tech solutions
React Native | Native
iOS | Android
Redux | Tanstack | Reassure | GraphQL

Performance Boost


In 87.5% of the screens, the number of rerenders decreased or remained the same, which affected the acceleration of the initial performance.

React Universe

In brief

7 Cups is an online therapy provider that offers paid sessions and free emotional support to people seeking help. It’s a worldwide listening service with both professional therapists and trained listeners. They connect with registered users via their website and mobile app.

Rewriting the 7 Cups app

We were asked to work on the rewrite of the mobile 7 Cups app which was already started by another developer team. We took over the project, reviewed and rewrote all critical app components, made necessary adjustments and added new functionalities.

In the whole process we partnered with the client who took care of backend work, designs and tests. Seven months later a new version of 7 Cups app rolled out.

7 cups app rewrite in numbers - icons with stats

The deeper we dug, the more issues we identified

In the beginning, the workflow itself posed a challenge. We didn’t start the project from scratch and that meant we needed to carefully analyze the existing elements. The deeper we dug, the more issues we identified:

Code base

The code base was in poor shape and as such needed refactoring. The previous socket implementation wasn’t working correctly and there were a lot of issues with code quality (i.e. massive copy-paste repetitions, a poor static code analysis, duplicates in stylesheets).

Payment methods

For users considering a professional therapy, there were no payment methods available in the app, which was a serious inconvenience. Payment options had to be added to enable paying by credit card for an online therapy and making an in-app purchase for digital content.

In-app linking

There were internal links in the app going to the web platform. Following them, the user left the application and ended up on 7 Cups website. That was definitely something to fix. Implementing an in-app linking feature is one of the ways to keep the user in the app. And the user should stay in the app.

Last but not least, what was also a bit challenging was to build the client’s trust. We were positive, however, that our expertise combined with hard work, full commitment and close cooperation will produce the desired result.

Where did we start? We began with code refactoring

For maximum effect, we decided to adopt an agile collaboration model in which our team closely cooperated with the client and his team. It allowed us to make swift adaptations to the original scope of work and, this way, meet the always changing needs and requirements.

In short, we took care of the following:

  • Socket refactoring
  • A proper static code analysis
  • App payment methods
  • Migration to Typescript
  • In-app linking
  • Major dependencies upgrade (e.g. Expo, React Native, React Navigation, React Query)
  • Full app restructuring
  • Web content integration

Where did we start? We began with code refactoring. We had to refactor the whole socket first to be able to deliver new features and designs. That wasn’t planned originally and it hindered our further work for some time. However, doing the refactoring was an important milestone – it boosted the pace of development in the second phase of the project.

Another biggie was taking care of the app payment methods. We created two options for users who want to get an access to an extended version of the app or to pay for an online therapy:

  1. in-app purchase which uses Google Play or App Store to process payments for the extended app content
  2. credit card payment which allows for charging the user card on a regular basis (as long as their therapy lasts)

Also, we sorted out in-app linking, integrated content so that the client could use the website content, implemented html rendering in the place of normal text, and much more.

We provided full frontend support together with the project’s configuration, feature parity and expert advice on various technical and user experience aspects. We implemented a new design guideline including dark mode with auto theme detection as well.

phone screens displaying 7 Cups app

Fresh look and improved functionality

Throughout the project, we closely collaborated with the client who took care of backend work, designs and tests. Our mutual efforts and successful partnership resulted in a fresh look and improved functionality.

A new version of 7 Cups app already came out in January and is available in both Google Play and App Store. Since 7 Cups provides therapy and counseling, it was especially important for us to ensure the upgraded version is up and running. As it definitely is, we are happy with the job done. Our solutions were practical and effective, and so are the ongoing improvements in the app maintenance phase.

screenshots with the app reviews

The challenges we’ve solved so far

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Product Development and Growth

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