Terms of Use - Webinar

Terms of Use 

Welcome to the Terms of Use for the TV Development in React Native: Best Practices webinar with Q&A segment (these “Terms” and the “Webinar”, respectively). These Terms govern your participation in the Webinar. By joining the Webinar and using its contents and services, you agree to follow these Terms, which establish the agreement between you and Callstack.io sp. z o. o., a Polish corporation based in Wroclaw, Poland (address: ul. Prosta 36, 53-508 Wroclaw, Poland; registration: District Court Wroclaw-Fabryczna in Wroclaw, company number: 606530; tax ID number: 8992785616; share capital: PLN 8 000; email address: growth@callstack.com; phone number: +48 601 780 330 ; the “Host”).

These Terms ensure

These Terms ensure that everyone has a positive and productive experience during the Webinar. They provide guidelines and conditions for accessing, using, and interacting with the Webinar contents and services, including the Q&A segment.

Please take the time to read these Terms carefully before joining the Webinar. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from accessing or using the Webinar contents and services. Please note that these Terms may be updated or revised, and it is your responsibility to review the latest version. If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms or the Webinar, please reach out to the Host using the provided contact information.

By participating in the Webinar and utilizing the Q&A segment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms.

  1. Introduction, webinar access.

a. By participating in the Webinar and utilizing the Q&A segment, you agree to comply with these Terms. These Terms govern your use of the Webinar and outline your rights and responsibilities as a participant.b. The Webinar and its content are provided for informational purposes only. Access to the Webinar is limited to registered participants who have received the necessary login credentials or access links. 

  1. Provision of contents and services

a. The contents and services covered by these Terms are provided electronically via a web browser. Participants must have access to a compatible device with a reliable internet connection to access the Webinar and its associated content. b. Participants are responsible for ensuring they meet the following typical requirements for the use of contents and services: (i) a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device with internet connectivity; (ii) an up-to-date web browser compatible with the Webinar platform; (iii) adequate bandwidth to stream audio and video content; (iv) compatible software or plugins, if necessary, for the optimal viewing experience; and (v) any additional hardware or software requirements specified by the Host. c. The digital contents and services covered by these Terms are deemed to be provided where the participant is afforded the opportunity to access and/or consume the contents and services. Participants acknowledge that the Webinar and its associated digital contents and services are accessible through the internet and can be accessed from various locations worldwide. The Host does not guarantee the availability or legality of accessing the Webinar or its contents from all locations. Participants are responsible for ensuring that their access to the Webinar and its contents complies with any applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction.

  1. Updates and requirements.

a. The Host will make reasonable efforts to keep participants informed about any updates or changes to the technical and other requirements for the effective and secure use of the Webinar. The Host may provide notifications or announcements regarding updates or changes through the Webinar platform, email, or other communication channels specified by the Host.b. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are using the most recent version of any required software, plugins, or web browsers recommended by the Host. c. Participants are encouraged to review and follow any instructions or recommendations provided by the Host to ensure optimal functionality, security, and compatibility while accessing and utilizing the contents and services of the Webinar.

  1. Participant conduct.

a. By participating in the Webinar, you agree to conduct yourself in a respectful and professional manner. Any form of disruptive, offensive, or unlawful behavior will not be tolerated. b. You are solely responsible for the content of any questions, comments, or other contributions you make during the Q&A segment.

  1. Q&A segment.

a. The Q&A segment is intended to facilitate interactive engagement between participants and the Webinar speaker/s. b. You may submit questions relevant to the Webinar topic during the designated Q&A period. Questions should be concise, respectful, and relevant to the Webinar topic.c. The Host and speakers reserve the right to select which questions to address and may choose not to answer certain questions, in particular those which are inappropriate, offensive, or unrelated.

  1. Intellectual property

a. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, associated with the Webinar are owned by the respective owners. b. Participants may not reproduce, distribute, or modify any part of the Webinar or its content without obtaining prior written permission from the owner.

  1. Disclaimer of liability

a. Subject to the mandatory provisions of the applicable laws, the Webinar is provided on an “as-is” basis, without warranties of any kind. The Host or speakers do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information shared during the Webinar. b. The Host or speakers will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from the use of the Webinar or reliance on its content.

  1. Privacy and data protection

a. The Host will handle any personal information provided by participants in accordance with applicable data protection laws and the Host’s Privacy Policy.b. By participating in the Webinar, you agree and acknowledge that your personal information, such as first and last name, personal identification numbers, and addresses, and certain performance data will be processed for the purposes of organizing and conducting the Webinar.

  1. Complaints

a. In the event of technical issues or difficulties accessing the Webinar or its content, participants are encouraged to contact the technical support provided by the Host. Contact information for technical support can be found on the Webinar platform or provided separately. b. Participants should promptly report any technical issues they encounter during the Webinar to the technical support team, providing a detailed description of the problem and any relevant error messages. c. The Host will make reasonable efforts to address reported technical issues in a timely manner; however, the Host does not guarantee uninterrupted access to the Webinar or its content. d. Participants understand and acknowledge that internet connectivity, hardware, software, and other factors beyond the control of the Host may impact the quality and availability of the Webinar, and the Host will not be held liable where such factors intervene. Participants are responsible for ensuring their own internet connectivity and technical setup meet the necessary requirements outlined in Sections 2 and 3.

  1. Governing law and venue, availability of terms

a. These Terms will be governed by, construed in, and litigated before and in accordance with the Polish laws and by the Polish common courts. b. These Terms, including any updates or revisions, are available on our website at https://www.callstack.com/events/tv-development-in-react-native-best-practices. You can view and download these Terms free of charge.