Your Next React Native App Will Still Be Done With Paper (2.0)

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In short

React Native Paper hits 2000 stars on GitHub with the release of version 2.0, featuring new styles and components aligned with Material Design. Key highlights include platform adaptation for iOS, full theming support, enhanced accessibility, and RTL compatibility. The update emphasizes a smooth developer experience, Expo compatibility, and ongoing work on ReasonML bindings.

Hooray! While react-native-paper has just reached 2000 ⭐️ on Github, we were announcing it at React Native EU 2018 as a major update for Paper that is aligned with the new Material Design guide. This is react-native-paper 2.0. Don’t want to read? No problem, I got a lighting talk that gets you covered:

Key concepts of Paper 2.0

Material design guidelines

New style and new components are awaiting for you, ready to be used on Android and iOS.

Platform adaptation

As you saw in version 1, we continue to provide platform adaptation so your iOS users keep feeling comfortable.

Full theming support

We extracted the theming logic into react-theme-provider. You can easily switch from light to dark theme or give your users any choice they want


Render dialogs, floating action buttons, snackbars… One thing above the other. Thanks to Portal you can easily manage it.

Accessibility and RTL

We’ve been working very hard for this version to be much better regarding accessibility. We want each and every of our components to be fully accessible and RTL compatible.

accessibility and rtl in react native paper library

Developer experience

Not only our example is Expo compatible but now you can also check any component in our docs and look for this link:

code snacks avaliable in paper 2.0

And you can just try it! Oh and we are also working in bindings for ReasonML.

1.0 vs 2.0

Some component differences between versions.


buttons in react native paper 1.0 vs 2.0


TextInput in react Native Paper 1.0 vs 2.0


Yes, not a Toolbar anymore!

Appbar in React Native Paper 1.0 vs. 2.0


Want to see more? See the react-native-paper docs on GitHub. Check our React Native Paper repo too! We also have a Discord channel.

Wanna help? Be a contributor? There are lot of components to be made so join us in this beautiful journey, and do not hesitate to send a PR.

Latest update:
September 28, 2018


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