Coffee Talk

React Native News and App.js Conf

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Michał Pierzchała | Abraham Thiao

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In the fourth episode of Coffee Talk, Michał and Abi discuss the App.js Conf 2022. During the conference, Michał presented Reassure – Callstack’s latest library for performance regression testing.


Topics discussed

Michał and Abi mention workshops that took place the day before the start of the conference and presentations they found particularly interesting:

  • Keynote delivered by Charlie Cheever
  • Animations should be fun by Catalin Miron
  • React Native Everywhere by Taz Singh
  • Bringing the React Native Architecture to the OSS Community by Nicola Corti
  • How does an Indonesian super app, Traveloka, deal with React Native
  • V8 talk from Kudo
  • Controlling hardware in a week with Expo and EAS by Derek Stavis
  • Magda Jaśkowska’s live coding session 


Live streaming

You can find the live stream from both days of the conference here:

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