Coffee Talk

Crossing Paths of React And React Native Ecosystems

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Jack Herrington | Simon Grimm

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Here comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the first episode released under the new name! Callstack’s podcast has changed from The React Native Show to React Universe On Air to reflect a broader scope of topics we want to discuss, spanning not only React Native, but also React and beyond. 

That’s why we decided to kick off the refreshed brand with an episode that also sits at the intersection of both React and React Native ecosystems. And what better way to do this than to get together three podcasters:

  • Jack Herrington, Principal Engineer and YouTube Educator focusing on React,
  • Simon Grimm, Founder of Galaxies.dev and YouTube Creator focusing on React Native,
  • our own Łukasz Chludziński, the host of Callstack’s podcast marrying the two worlds together.

React and React Native: coming together or pulling apart?

The trio discusses the evolution, similarities, and differences between the React and React Native ecosystems, exploring everything from community dynamics to the latest advancements. This episode of React Universe On Air (formerly known as The React Native Show Podcast) also tackles the challenges and benefits of working with React-based technologies, the ins and outs of developing apps in React Universe for different platforms, and the future of React in the software development world. 

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